
Friday, 12 September 2014

Planning for Christmas...Already?

That's right. I'm already planning how Christmas is going to go down this year. I'm sure anybody reading this who knows me will know how much I've been begging for Christmas to come sooner and it's so strange because I never feel excited for Christmas until the night before and eventually get sick of the freezing cold weather. Does anybody else get like that? This year I'm so ready though, I've planned presents for my friends, I've planned my own wishlist, heck - I've even planned where my presents are going! This isn't a spur of the moment longing either, I've felt this way since early August. Help!
I'm going to talk you through things that I think have gotten me in the Christmas spirit in the hope I can find someone who feels the exact same way :P

The Weather
Now, I know it's not winter yet - but it so feels like it! Colder mornings, chillier nights. Going back to school, I've been walking with my little sister who started her first year at my school this September. When we leave home the air is chillier and the sky is darker than usual. As much as it makes me want to lie down and sleep on the pavement, it's a sign that Christmas isn't as far away as we all may think! 

The Card Shop
Can you believe they've bought out Christmas cards already?! It's like the world is TRYING to set me off!

I dearly love Boots and so I visit the site ever so frequently. When I look at everything on there, I start to write a little Christmas list in my head of what I want and it just IM GOING CRAZY. I'll look at a blush shade and think "That'd be the perfect 'just got in from the cold' blush colour for my skin tone!" or I'll look at an eyeshadow palette and think "Oh jeez, that'd be perfect for a festive eye look!" and even nail polish I think "That. Is. PERFECT FOR CANDYCANE NAILS. I want it" and end up going all grabby hands on everything *reaches for all the things I cannot afford*
Moral of the story - I have a problem :)

Yankee Candle
If you could ask anybody who knows me then I wouldn't even need to write this little paragraph. I have irritated the life out of everything within a 5m radius of me about Yankee Candles. This website is possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me. There are so many festive ones and so many I want to collect. I have scenarios in my mind of when I'd burn specific ones and it's bad and unhealthy. Like for example - Cherries on Snow: This would be perfect if I were to burn this when reading a book sat by the window with snow outside. And Soft Blanket: I can imagine burning this right after I'd gotten out of the bath when it's dark out. It's described as a comforting, cozy smell and I think that'd just be perfect. Another one I've got my eye on is Lake Sunset: I picture burning this when revising and listening to forest sounds (I'm a weird teen who loves getting lost in the forest and doing strange things like following a whole family of Exmoor Wild Ponies around. Seriously, I did that once). Amber Wood is another one I could do the above with. Arghh I want so much!xD
An Old Lady
That might confuse you for a second, let me explain. There's an old lady who lives about three doors down from me who has blue little fairy lights on her bush in her front garden. I didn't even realise until tonight! Just as I was starting to occupy my mind with much more important (yet boring) topics, I saw these blue little lights on and boom. I was back to square one. And now I'm posting about it.

My Current Read - The Forbidden Room
The main character, Jenny, is an amputee and has lost both of her legs from the knees downwards. She's always wanted to go skiing and long story short, she got to go on a real slope on a mountain. Obviously this isn't the main storyline, but it's heart warming and there's snow!!!! A lot of snow!!

Rihanna Reb'l Fleur
I was gifted this perfume by my Mum last Christmas and it's a memory of Christmas for me. I link songs or physical objects to certain events or times of the year if I discovered or was given it in that time. Did that make sense? Basically it's my Christmas scent and I've been wearing it a lot lately. It's so gorgeous! Thankyou Mother ;)

Thick, Oversized Clothing
This is obviously a given. Who doesn't love getting all snug in their favourite jumper? Because it's been getting colder, I've been wearing warmer clothing out. Something I've been pretty much abusing is a jacket that doesn't actually belong to me XD My boyfriend James gave me his jacket and I've been wearing the life out of it recently because it's so big and warm. Truth is, I own one jumper. Two if you count my school jumper. Blog Barlow is in need of a serious clothing haul!

Christmas Songs
Baby It's Cold Outside, Let It Snow, All I Want For Christmas Is You... I can't describe the feelings.

Christmas Movies
Now, I haven't watched any. There's a very good reason for this. I know for a fact that as soon as I watch a Christmas movie that I'm going to lose all sanity and self control and I'll have no friends or family that will deal with my breaking down. But then there's that temptation - which is making me want Christmas even more. Help me out here, guys?

That's all I can think of on the spot m'dears, I'm glad I got some of that off my chest. If my attempt to explain myself hasn't worked and you still feel like I'm crazy then I'm very sorry to hear that, but if you understand how I feel and can completely relate then drop me a comment or an email letting me know what your favourite things are about Christmas!


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